Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tortoise Has Leg Replaced With Swivel Wheel, is Doing Fine

If a man does not have any leg or hand his life becomes difficult for him.
Then how will be the life of an animal. It would be worst than a man.
This is the story of this tortoise
This 12-year-old African spur-thighed tortoise named GAMERA had the damaged leg amputated up to the shoulder at Washing State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, and replaced with a swivel wheel — basically, one of those wheels commonly found on the bottom of office chairs. 
Don’t worry, the wheel wasn’t drilled into the turtle, but was attached to its shell with an epoxy adhesive. As a precaution, Gamera was given a feeding tube in order to keep his nutrition up, and he has gained three pounds since before the procedure took place. The little guy seems to be doing fine. Check out a video of him rolling around and eating some grass below.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Waiting to post

Guys sorry that i cant post this month but i will definitely do it next month

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Guys this one is the greatest one for me

I'm sorrry that I can't upload the video for u guys.
Please visit http://youtu.be/SJR5Taj9rcA
This is a king cobra of length 18 ft. Nearly 6 mtrs.
This size of snake is damn dangerous to catch with naked hands and they are found only in South India.

This video is taken from Youtube as snakes are not there in my city.
But in future I'll try to catch one.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Great Snow Leopard

These Snow Leopard's are at an extinct.
We must save them.
Estimated Population: 100 to 200 individuals 
Estimated Location: They are found at high elevations of 3000-4500 meters (9800 ft to 14800 ft.), and even higher in the Himalayas. 

In India snow leopard presence is reported from Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh


Sunday, April 3, 2011


On 28 Jan 2011 

A tiger in Germany has become the world's first to be given an artificial hip after a three-hour-operation by a team of vets that she only just survived, Leipzig University said on Thursday.

As the Malayan tiger " Girl "  at Halle Zoo in eastern Germany is known, had been in visible pain for close to a year because of problems in her right hip joint, the university said.

Thanks to the Engineers who solved the hip problem by replacing it with an artificial hip.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saviours of national animals

We can proudly say that we can save better than anyone in the world.

 India’s current tiger population at 1,706, compared with 1,411 in 2006 which states that there is about 20% increase in their population.

These are some pics taken by me.

Proud to be an INDIAN