Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tortoise Has Leg Replaced With Swivel Wheel, is Doing Fine

If a man does not have any leg or hand his life becomes difficult for him.
Then how will be the life of an animal. It would be worst than a man.
This is the story of this tortoise
This 12-year-old African spur-thighed tortoise named GAMERA had the damaged leg amputated up to the shoulder at Washing State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, and replaced with a swivel wheel — basically, one of those wheels commonly found on the bottom of office chairs. 
Don’t worry, the wheel wasn’t drilled into the turtle, but was attached to its shell with an epoxy adhesive. As a precaution, Gamera was given a feeding tube in order to keep his nutrition up, and he has gained three pounds since before the procedure took place. The little guy seems to be doing fine. Check out a video of him rolling around and eating some grass below.